Client Checkout

For years, Mixlab customers have been dealing with a legacy system when ordering their medications. This makes it difficult not only for our team to make digital changes and implement any new features, but also for the business to scale.


1. Refactor the cart and client checkout experience to scale the product and service returning customers

2. Empower clients with self service tools to manage their orders and prescriptions that will improve overall client satisfaction and reduce operational overhead


Mapping out user flows

I began by first partnering with my product team and design team to map out the user flows for each key player.

Lightning demos

We also did lightning demos, a quick exercise to showcase other e-commerce checkout experiences that felt inspirational.

Prioritizing features

We prioritize the features and decided what would be in scope for MVP, evaluating their value to the business against engineering effort.

Design, User test, Iterate

Now that I was equipped with all the information I needed, I was ready to design. After a few rounds of review, I recruited 8 participants to user test my prototype with. I wanted to focus on potential friction points around saving their billing information and defaulting them onto an Autoship program. User testing helped drive design decisions like making sure that users had a way to opt out of both. I also tested different ways of navigating through each checkout step.

Key features

Simplified workflow

Returning pet parents can check out by using their previously saved billing and delivery info.

They stay on the page as they complete each checkout step, making it easier to review all the information they entered.

New landing page

The new landing page includes an improved flavor selection, the ability to edit the order, update their pet profile and browse add-on consumer products

Key features

Order and script management

Manage orders and prescriptions on the account level, including the ability to cancel, defer, and request scripts


Browse full catalog of consumer products with vet recommendations catered specifically to pet needs


We soft launched the new experience to 25% of all Mixlab customers in August, and have now launched to 100% of all customers.

We’ve already seen a huge positive impact on the business in the first month. I helped set up dashboards in Fullstory to track and measure our KPIs.


Increase in order conversion rate

This means we've been seeing dramatically less drop-off in the checkout flow compared to the original checkout experience.


Decrease in checkout time

This means our pet parents are checking out faster and saving on average almost 2 whole minutes. It could be a result from a myriad of design decisions such as saving their information if they have ordered from us before.